Sunday, February 28, 2010


In Italy working for Ferrari F1. At a FOTA meeting and there is conflict between the teams. Despite being new, I give an impromptu speech about the points system and how it should favor the fastest car. There is applause, but half the people have left.

Walking through a building. The corridor is annoying with frequent steps, three down followed by a short landing, then three up.

I am told there is a talk. I say "my Romance languages are rusty."


Loading an audio cassette. It gets stuck in the door of the machine. I get it out, but part of the door has cracked.

Introduced to a UMKC English professor by Janelle. He wants me to act in a play. I tell him I do not have time.

Jumping through my front door into the yard.


In a hotel. A boxer with special powers.

A visitor comes at night. I greet the visitor.

I am the visitor. Two women instruct me on how to take Catholic Mass.

A bald American drives up in a sports car.

The boxer gives me a twenty-five and a ten pound note to look after.

More Bears

With Mike and a girl. We are trying to light cigarettes in the wind, but the lighter keeps blowing out. Mike gives the girl a small container of liquid. She puts some on her lips to make the cigarette light faster. The light is passed from one person's lips to another.

Going to the 13th floor in a crummy elevator to see Connie. There is a mother bear with a young bear.

Inside Facebook

In my house. I hear voices outside. I look out the window and see four young men between my house and 1032. I think they are trying to break in so I go upstairs to get my phone.

They break in.

They abduct me, but then I join them. In a post-apocalypse world we go on food raids.

I have a room in a house that includes a conference room and a common dining area. The people sharing the house are activists. We are living inside Facebook.

My computer responds to my voice. It talks back. We have a psychic/telekinetic link.

I tell a woman about my computer, but I am not sure she understands. A man starts talking loudly over us. I ignore him. He assumes I am deaf and signs.


With a female zombie. She starts very young and blonde, then gets older and turns brunette. She tells me one day she will occupy my body. A male zombie joins us.

When the female zombie tries to occupy my body she dies because I am already a zombie.

I go back in time to tell myself as a child not to do this transfer.

Living in Dracula's Castle. I am greeting guests including one named Lind. I address the guests with German names in German.

I sense a presence which eventually reveals itself as David, a young boy. He will occupy my body.

I try to kill the zombies by throwing zombie bombs at them. The bombs are packets of soy sauce and mustard from a Chinese restaurant.

Seven Horrors

In my house. Seven horror story characters were buried here after they were executed en masse. They include The Mummy and The Siamese Twins.

I get on well with one character after he digs himself out of the ground, but initially I am terrified.

Even if I move house I cannot escape these monsters.

It is raining. The ceiling in the big downstairs room starts leaking badly like a pipe burst. I move a grandfather clock to prevent it from getting damaged. Water stops flowing in.

I leave the house on a tricycle. I see Toby. I am not sure he recognizes me.

A woman starts filming me very close. She is about my age, cute, like Q. She thinks I work at the university as a doctor. I tell her first I am a musician, then a poker player.


In a room with Jason and Spiro. We are in a band.

A man tells me I am a different bass player than I was a few years ago.

"Or play a Rick," I say.

Jason leaves with his hands full. He sticks a knife in my hand.

Spiro and I go to the practice space with a new organ.

Games with Negreanu

In a room. Daniel Negreanu is a conservative politician. He argues with me and three others.

We play strange games. One involves throwing a blue bathrobe. The person it covers loses.

Sirens. I walk across a park to see what is happening.

Talking to a cop. He says I will spend a day in jail.

Hotel, Cliff, Kitten, Lemmy

In a hotel room. There are cakes and chocolate.

Walking on the edge of a cliff.

In a hotel room. In my absence somebody has been inside. There are empty chocolate bar wrappers and other trash.

Walking on the edge of a cliff around a lake. A gorge moves around the shoreline keeping up with me.

A kitten pulling a mat out of its fur.

In a hotel room playing board games.

At a Motorhead show. Lemmy gets off stage and goes out the main door. People are in line for the show. A fight is going on. Lemmy pulls a friend inside.

Ring Game

With my girlfriend in her apartment. We are not getting along but she is wonderful.

In a corridor in the same building. I watch my girlfriend go through a door into her therapist's surgery.

I am attacked by four young men. I scream, hoping for help from the other side of the therapist's door. Nobody comes.

I break up with my girlfriend. She goes out with her uncle. I go to her apartment to get my things, but panic that the men will attack me again.

The building has changed. She lives on the 27th floor. I am on the 23rd. It looks like a school or similar institution.

Looking for an exit. I can feel the men behind me.

Trying to get to Camberwell tube station. I am lost. I see a pub and think about going in to ask directions. It occurs to me that at this time of day it will be closed.

I see Porsche with one of Toby's friends. I walk over and kiss her. I have not seen her since the last time we kissed because she has had a sore throat.

In a pub. My girlfriend and her uncle are there. I tell her my stuff is still in her apartment. Despite her neuroses she is a great girlfriend, but I cannot be with her.

She fiddles with her ring finger. She says she does not want a ring, but if she married the rich guy he would buy her one worth 50k chips. I tell her if this happens I will start a home poker game that she should join.


With Carrie and The Geek.

Driving aggressively through an intersection on the way to the tobacconists I hit a car. I consider running into the store and leaving out the back door, but somebody sees me. The cops are on the way.

The officer is friendly and administers an eye test. He implies he knows what I get up to. Guys being guys.


At a liberal arts college. I am giving a lecture. Sidney van den Bergh is there.

I play four songs to students, but I am not into it.

Looking for UMKC envelopes.

Talking to Karon. "Shawl is never here past 4:20," I say.

"Sometimes weekends," she says.

"Yeah, when writing that book."